February Wrap-up
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Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. Consider it my virtual book-lair where I talk about the books I read, and invite you to join me in that converstation. Feel free to browse around!
Recent uploads
Bookish Academy Awards 2019
A (belated) January Wrap Up
Blue Monday Booktag (original)
December Wrap-up
Year in Review: 2020 Reading Goals
New-decades resolutions: trends to leave behind in the tens
Year in Review: Favourite Books of 2019
Year in Review: Most Disappointing of 2019
Year in Review: Most Surprising of 2019
Year in Review: Underrated Releases of 2019
Year in Review: Best Covers of 2019
Year in Review: Most Anticipated 2020 Releases (January-June)
The Festive Christmas Book Tag
A Christmas Carol Booktag
November Wrap-Up
Bookie Trials - Winter Quest Booktag
Books and Bakes Tag
Goodreads Choice Awards 2019: My Thoughts
Best Books of the Twenty First Century (sofar)