Dear all,
These are crazy times… Although this blog is mostly about books and not global health events, I can’t justify omitting the Corona-crisis completely. Especially as it’s bound to affect the way I’m able to read and write about what I read here. Personal update: First things first: I’m currently safe and not infected, and the same goes for my close family and friends. That doesn’t mean that I’m not affected by this virus. As many of you know, I’m a medical student/intern. At this point, all interns and students in Dutch hospitals have temporarily been send home to protect themselves and the patients from further spread of the virus. The demand for medical personnel however, remains incredibly high, and interns have been asked to apply for a flexpool to help out at overflowing departments. As of next week, I will most likely be working the “Corona-ward” in my local hospital. There’s no telling yet how many hours a week, or for how long this will be, as it will all depend on the progression of this pandemic. As for now, I’m preparing for potentially hectic and stressful weeks, and anything to do with this blog will be in the lowest spot on my priority list for as long as it takes.
Future and changes for this blog: I don’t have a crystal ball, so it’s hard to make accurate predictions as to how much I’ll be able to upload for the foreseeable future. It’s possible that I end up in isolation, and have more time to read and post. It’s also possible that I will have no spare time at all. Depending on how long this will take, it might even mean I quit this blog entirely for an indefinite amount of time. For the upcoming weeks, I have some posts prepared already, and I do plan on continuing my reading, just as a way of relaxing for myself. I was excited for my favourite readathon (The Magical Readathon by Bookroast) to be held in April and will still try to participate as much as I can, although I’ve no idea how that will go.
Over the following weeks, you can expect the following from me:
March Wrap Up This will be a little shorter than normal, and won’t include as many in depth reviews as I’m backed up even more than usual with those.
O.W.L.s Magical Readathon/April TBR
- Hogwarts House Recommendations for the O.W.L.s these have been pre-written, so I should be able to post them over the coming week
Short reading updates on Goodreads. Please don’t expect in depth reviews for now, but I do plan on posting a few sentence thoughts on the books I read.
Other changes:
All In-depth reviews, post-mortems and ARC reviews have been postponed. I will get to them when I have time, but they’re currently low on my priority list
I will not accept any new ARCs or books for reviews until further notice
The best way to keep in touch with me for now will be Goodreads, as it’s easier to manage than my website at this point.
I hope this all makes sense and I truly hope, clearly for many a reason, that things go back to normal as soon as possible. Stay safe, stay healthy and for all of you in quarantine: make the best of your time and keep reading if that helps you!
Love Renée
