It's not too often anymore that I set a monthly TBR for myself, or find the time to participate in a readathon. Yet when the opportunity arises to support some of my favourite creators in the book-community, I just can't pass that up. In September I joined the Magical Readathon by Bookroast, and had a lot of fun with it. Now it's time for another favourite to make its return: Believathon, hosted by the King of Middle-grade himself: Gavin from How to Train your Gavin.
Believathon is the first and only middle-grade themed readathon I've participated in, and it's been a joy everytime I've done so. As this is a returning favourite for me, I won't explain the rules here in depth. Instead I refer you to Gavins brilliant announcement video, so he can provide the proper introductions himself.
For this years Believathon, there isn't a set number of books to complete in order to join, so I just picked 5 of my favourite prompts to supplement my November reading with some middle-grade picks.
Without further ado, let's get into the prompts:
Nr. 1: Flash of lightning, terror once told. A scream in the night, makes your blood run cold… Read a scary book:

Ghost Girl by Ally Malinenko
To ease myself out of horror-month and into middle-grade reads, I picked a novel that seemingly combines the best of both worlds. Ghostgirl has adventure, friendship, and... you guessed it: ghosts.
Nr. 2: "By the force of a patient heart, a lifetime to wait before you start..." Read an anticipated release:

This one was easy pickings, as there's only one release left in 2021 that I'm highly anticipating, and it happens to be a middle-grade. A Snake Falls to Earth is the second novel by indigenous author Darcie Little Badger, featuring elements of magical realism based off Lipan Apache folktales. If it's anything as good as Elatsoe, I'm surely in for a treat.
Nr. 3: When ink fills pen, and pen fills page...
These images will last an age… Read a book with illustrations:

This beautifully illustrated cover, reminding me off And the Ocean was Our Sky by Patrick Ness, drew my eye from right across the store. Described as " a captivating, powerful and luminous story with themes of mental health and enviroment, about a mother, a daughter and the great Greenland shark." Need I say more...?
Nr. 4: More than a billion have different views.
It’s time to walk in other people’s shoes… Read an own voices book:

King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender I'm always here for own-voices fiction, especially within middle-grade, where it often feels under-represented. Staying within my own lane of own-voice novels about disability, sickness or grief, I went with this magical realism novel featuring the latter. Own-voices representation for themes of LGBTQ+ identity, loss of a sibling and growing up a POC in America.
Nr. 5: Raging Rivers, streams and creeks. Moor the raft, or float for weeks… Read an book featuring water:

Last but not least, we have a novel that was going to be on my TBR regardless, as it's a library hold that needs returning. I don't know too much about this novel, other than it's a middle-grade horror set in a school camp near the titular lake, when weird things start to happen. I'm hoping to be surprised...
If you're planning on joining Believathon, be sure to let me know what book you're most excited to read for it.
Follow my reading progress throughout the month on Goodreads, or join me next month for the start of my end-of-year-series... Happy reading and see you soon.